Tuesday 2 June 2009

My first post, and first proper creation!

Im here... ok that was stupid of me.
Hey im Louie, and im addicted to the sims 3. At the moment while i await the LONG AND PAINFUL wait for the sims 3 to release in the uk, ive been playing around with the leaked copy, and im going to post a few creations ive made over the past few weeks while doing so.

Currently ive only been focusing in create-a-sim because, i really find it amazing! I honestly couldnt tell the differance though until i went back to sims 2 and realised that it bored the hell out of me, and on returning to sims 3, i feel in love with the sims all over again!

The first creation i will post, is a Christina Aguilera sim, shes perfect in everyway i could have made her within the 6 hours it took to actually make her! Im happy with it, ill post comparisons as well as her file upload when the post is ready for publish, until then, Happy Simming (for those lucky US users, and oh well at the rest of you britains)
